Spring Cleaning for Your Profile!

If you haven’t checked in recently, it’s a good idea to login and make sure your profile is up to date. Pay special attention to the following pieces of info: 

  • The type of jobs you’re looking for: Do you have a background in engineering but want to go into graphic design? It might not be that drastic, but be sure your primary category is accurate, since that will determine what type of auto job notifications you receive.
  • Your experience level: What a difference a year can make! Whether you have 2-5 years of experience or 15+, be sure your profile reflects your current level of expertise. 
  • Your resume: Update your resume, or upload one if you haven’t already joined our Resumes Database

Also be sure to set your profile sharing policy to “share my info with employers” if you’d like us to share your info and resume with registered NF employers who have job openings that match your skills and interests. Learn more here.

To update your profile, login now

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