Northland Employees and Job Seekers

This region is home to multiple organizations that offer candidate resources and various other forms of guidance to anyone looking to take the next step in their career in northeast Minnesota and northwest Wisconsin.

Are you seeking your first entry-level job in the Northland? Or maybe you’re an established professional who’s thinking of moving to this neck of the woods as you expand to a new phase in your practice? Consult the following orgs for assistance, or reach out to our team — we’re happy to point you in the right direction.


Northeast Minnesota


CareerForce is Minnesota’s career development and talent matchingresource offering a variety of programs and services to career seekers and employers. Career Lab offers drop-in assistance with resumes and job search, as well as free job search workshops, computer classes, and on-site hiring events. Those who are eligible may receive additional one-on-one career counseling and other services. The Career Lab is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome at CareerForce Duluth. Current or former military members, no matter the era of service, receive priority services.


JET: Northeast Minnesota Office of Job Trainingnemojt

A member of the state-wide Minnesota Workforce Center System, JET serves teenagers, employers, job seekers, and anyone looking to learn about the regional workforce landscape. Career counselors and JET staff assist with everything from making effective career decisions to marketing your skills to earn a higher wage.



Local website contains information and resources on careers in the trades specific to Northeast Minnesota, including bricklaying, carpentry, electrical work, painting, plumbing, and more. These and more trades are in extremely high demand across northeast Minnesota with many career and apprenticeship opportunities throughout the Iron Range area and along the north shore of Lake Superior. Find guides to union apprenticeship programs, school options and educational pathways, employment information, and more jobseeker resources.


Northwest Wisconsin

Job Center of Wisconsin

The Job Center of Wisconsin offers a wide range of services to jobseekers in the counties of Ashland, Bayfield, and Douglas. For resume pointers, labor market data from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD), and much more, visit


Northwest Wisconsin Concentrated Employment Program

The CEP provides workforce development tools to businesses and workers in northwest Wisconsin. They work with individuals to identify skills, talents, and training, find and apply for jobs, and develop job hunting skills. They also offer educational assistance and free employment resources.


Northwest Wisconsin Workforce Investment Board (NWWIB)

Whether you are unemployed, laid-off, or looking for a new job, the northwest Wisconsin Workforce Investment Board can be of help.

NWWIB administers workforce and career development services to residents in a ten-county region in northwest Wisconsin. Access services that enable you to gain and retain employment, access high-demand job opportunities, enroll in educational and training programs, and utilize the American Job Center System.


Turn to these great resources for a guiding hand, or reach out to the NORTHFORCE Team:

Tips for Success

Take your Northland career search to the next level.

Your Profile

  • Consider whether you want to make your profile public or private. Learn more here.
  • Select your top area of interest on your profile. What’s the one area you really want to break into, or advance in? Whether you pick administration, engineering, or social work, you’ll receive leads to jobs in this category.
  • Update your profile regularly. While you’re logged in, check out your auto job matches

Career Search Strategy

  • Keep an eye on our events page for great networking opportunities throughout the region.
  • For more insider leads on events, employment trends, and job search strategy, visit our blog.
  • Tune into our Youtube Playlist for videos exploring Northland employment resources.

Resume Strategy

  • You don’t need to upload your resume, but we recommend it! If you elect to make your resume searchable, registered employers will be able to pinpoint it when they’re looking to fill a position that matches your skills. Learn more about how to join our Resume Database.
  • Does your resume look its very best? Find resume strategy tips here, or contact us for a resume review.

Our team of locals is here to answer your questions and connect you with your dream job up north! Don’t hesitate to reach out.

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