Marketing & Sponsorship Opportunities

Maximize Your Outreach or Become a Sponsor

Promote Your Position and Your Company

Posting jobs on NORTHFORCE is free, but there’s so much more that can be done! Leverage NORTHFORCE’s networking knowledge and expertise. We can identify custom targeted audiences specifically suited to your position. The next step is to broadcast your position opening regionally and even on the national level, if need be. Here’s how we can help you find the talent you deserve:

Job of the Week $500

Looking to back your post with some extra umph? Want the world to see you’re hiring? Attract all the attention you need with our Job of the Week package:

  • Targeted week long social media campaign utilizing Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn platforms – local and national audiences
  • Multiple 10-second TV feature including your current opening & company airing
    3-4 times between Monday to Sunday on KBJR/KDLH
  • Featured banner on NORTHFORCE website homepage with direct link to job description

Contact Ian to Schedule

NORTHFORCE 2017 Sponsorship Opportunities

Support our efforts to create a thriving workforce. In return, here’s what we
can do for you:

NORTHFORCE Development Partner   $7,000+
Permanent placement of name/logo on website footer
Access to our resume database
Logo on supporters page
Logo on job search page

Superior Level Sponsor $5,000.00+
Targeted industry recruitment (high level executive search OR mass search)
Front page scrolling banner for one year
Opportunity to have spokesperson at Mentor Connection event
Opportunity for logo to be on all Mentor Connection printed materials, banners, etc.
Enhanced Job of the Week Promotion
Access to resume database
Logo on supporters page
Logo on job search page

Talent Sponsor $2,500.00
Opportunity to have spokesperson at Mentor Connection event
Opportunity for logo to be on all Mentor Connection printed materials, banners, etc.  
Job of the Week Promotion
Access to resume database
Logo on supporters page
Logo on job search page

Workforce Sponsor $1,000.00
Job of the Week Promotion
Access to resume database
Logo on supporters page

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