Explore the Northland Engineering Sector

Looking at northforce.org data between March 2021 and March 2022, Northland engineering jobs:

  • Pay an average of between $27 and $32 per hour
  • Offer an average minimum salary between $56K and $68K

Engineering can take you in a lot of different directions. There’s civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and more disciplines.

Strengthening infrastructure like buildings and highways, ridding the forests and lakes of invasive species, and designing more secure programming for computers are three examples of how engineering shapes the world we live in.

If you’re looking to put a diverse set of skills to use and solve challenges, the Northland engineering sector could be the place where you can make a difference in the lives of many.

Major Northland Employers

ALLETE / Minnesota Power

American Engineering Testing, Inc.

AMI Consulting Engineers, PA

ASV Holdings 

Barr Engineering

Benchmark Engineering

Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company

Cirrus Aircraft

Citon Computer Corp

City of Duluth

City of Superior

Foth Companies

Gausman & Moore

Hallberg Engineering

Hibbing Public Utilities 

Jasper Engineering

Johnson Controls

JPJ Engineering

Krech Ojard

L&M Radiator 

Lake County


MNStar Technologies

Northern Engineering

Northland Constructors of Duluth Inc.

Northland Consulting Engineers

Obermiller Nelson Engineering

Ritalka Inc.

Short Elliott Hendrickson (SEH)

St Louis County

State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation 



Explore current career openings in the Northland engineering sector here

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