Operations Specialist
Caitlin Vander Wal joined the NORTHFORCE team in February 2023 and handles day-to-day administrative support for northforce.org.
Here’s a quick Q&A with Caitlin:
1. What’s a highlight from your work with NORTHFORCE so far?
One of my recent highlights was the strategic directions workshops the advisory committee completed recently. It was a lovely opportunity to get to know our partners and also to see the directions that NORTHFORCE is looking to go in the future. I am looking forward to see how it takes shape as NORTHFORCE continues to develop those directions.
2. What do you enjoy the most about working with NORTHFORCE?
I love how responsive NORTHFORCE is to the changing needs of the region and how willing the program is to engage with candidates, local employers, and program stakeholders.
3. What keeps you up north?
I was born and raised on a farm in rural southwest Minnesota. It was a lovely way to grow up; however, it did not present the opportunities I was looking for both professionally and recreationally. After visiting Duluth as teenager, I fell in love with the variety of opportunities that the region presented and how vastly different they were while being in the same state. Since moving to Duluth, my favorite pastimes have evolved and I enjoy mountain and road biking, backpacking, and paddleboarding.