Operations Specialist
Ashley Luna handles day-to-day administrative support for northforce.org. Reach out to Ashley at info@northforce.org for help with general questions related to NORTHFORCE and for assistance getting in touch with our regional development consultants!
Here’s a quick Q&A with Ashley:
How did you start working with NORTHFORCE?
I learned about my current role as Northspan’s operations specialist through NORTHFORCE. The application process was easy and the communication was great. I first heard about NF while searching for jobs a few years ago. I signed up as it was a site that was locally focused and I found that to be really helpful.
What’s your favorite part about working with NF so far?
My favorite part is learning about our local workforce, employers, and all the organizations partnering to create a more inclusive environment to attract talent to the area.
What keeps you #NorthByChoice?
I stay NorthByChoice because I really do love it here. I like to get outdoors and enjoy the natural beauty of the area. I like that Duluth always has events happening and at times has the feel of a larger city, although it doesn’t take long to travel to a location that is rural and outdoorsy.